This page offers the historical archive the agenda and minutes of various business meetings of the Carmichael Improvement District for the 2020 Service Year.
2021 Board of Directors
Nick Bloise, Chair - Victorious Sales (C)
Todd Andrews, Vice-Chair - Andrews Construction, Inc, (P, B)
Mike Menzel, Secretary - Berkshire Hathaway Home Services (C)
Joe Covington*, Treasurer - Architect/Milagro Centre (P, B)
Mike Blondino*, Carmichael Recreation & Park District (P, B)
Rosie Buck, Buck Family Automotive (B)
Caryn Conway, Magnolia Antiques + Home Interiors (B)
* = Denotes authorized representative of property or business ownership interest.
Gary Hursh, Law Office of Gary Hursh (P, B)
Gregg Jones*, Carmichael Village, LLC (P)
Esmaeil Lorestany, AlfaRealty (P, B)
Vanessa McCarthy-Olmstead*, Office of County Supervisor Desmond (P, G)
Curt Pearson*, Cypress at Crossroads Church (P, B)
Julie DePrada-Schott, Carmichael Chamber of Commerce (B)
Class of representation: P=Property, C=Community, G=Government, B=Business
Board of Director Meetings
03/25/21: Agenda | Materials | Minutes ** CANCELED
04/22/21: Agenda | Materials | Minutes ** POSTPONED
Executive Committee
01/05/2021: Agenda **
01/12/2021: Agenda **
02/09/2021: Agenda **
03/09/2021: Agenda ** CANCELED
04/13/2021: Agenda ** CANCELED
05/11/2021: Agenda **
06/08/2021: Agenda **
07/06/2021: Agenda **
08/10/2021: Agenda **
09/14/2021: Agenda **
10/11/2021: Agenda
11/05/2021: Agenda **
11/09/2021: Agenda
12/07/2021: Agenda **
Ad Hoc Security Vendor Oversight Committee
11/04/2021: Closed Session 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Crossroads Church, 7100 Fair Oaks Blvd.
11/10/2021: Closed Session 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Crossroads Church, 7100 Fair Oaks Blvd.