After observing first-hand the success of other PBID operations in our region, engaged owners started talking about forming such an entity in Carmichael about ten years in advance. Over those preceding years, concerns only worsened. Thanks to the County of Sacramento resource commitment to catalyzing district formation in communities across the County as well as the encouragement of Supervisor Susan Peters, a steering committee got to work in earnest in September 2015 identifying, visioning, and working with owners toward shaping the Carmichael District. The Carmichael Chamber of Commerce, itself an advocate for vibrant and active business in the area for over sixty years, determined and attracted resources to this effort while providing organizational support. Chamber executive Linda Melody maintained active engagement at each step of the development process.
Heading the formation effort as Chair was Gary Hursh, a property owner and lawyer practicing on Fair Oaks Boulevard for most of the last forty years. A persuasive and relentless advocate for progress in Carmichael, Gary connected with fellow owners in compelling ways. Difficulties were understood for what they were and the solutions to be found through such a district were clearly expressed. Brooks Erickson, who had worked in the District for over 15 years, made essential contributions to the team in research, technology deployment, and strategy over the formation process. We are grateful for the numerous owners and community members who valued the idea and contributed time and effort toward success.
After receiving written petitions from over 51% of the property owners, the Board of Supervisors put formation to a vote of all owners in the Fall of 2016. Ballots were counted in the County of Sacramento offices on December 6, 2016, wherein 68.7% of those Carmichael real property owners voted "Yes" to create the Carmichael Improvement District, thus authorizing its operation to commence for a five-year period. The expectations are high and the work is being addressed as CID has been actively working on behalf of property owners in the district since that time.
As an overview of this effort, bringing to fruition years of consideration, the process of identifying concerns as well as reasonable and cost-effective solutions to viably address the needs was our first order. As costs drove the process, determination of ways to provide for those expenses followed the critical review of need. The visioning and conceptualizing of a district concept over Carmichael followed. Key milestones and progress increments for us were:
October 2015: Gather initial steering committee.
November 2015: Connect and coordinate resources with the County
December 2015: Commence work with consultancy/adviser toward formation.
2015, early 2016: Define Carmichael District service area.
Early 2016: Define service plan and expense budget.
February 2016: Gather community perception/opinions regarding Carmichael.
February 2016: Draft and edit district District Management Plan.
March 2016: Engage engineer for survey/boundary.
April - July 2016: Sacramento County review and approval of District Management Plan.
July 11 - September 29, 2016: Petition Drive, contact with each property owner in proposed district.
September 30, 2016: Submit petitions to County.
October 18, 2016: Board of Supervisors hearing to initiate formation proceedings.
October 19, 2016: County mails ballots to property owners.
October 22 - December 6, 2106: Owners vote over a 45-day period, returning written ballots to County.
December 6, 2016: Board of Supervisors hearing to adopt Resolution of Formation.
December, 2016: Complete PBID formation detail.
January 1, 2017: Carmichael District begins collecting assessment.
2017: Apply resources and attention to improve The Carmichael District!
Formation Steering Committee
Gary Hursh, Law Office of Gary Hursh, Chair
Linda Melody, Carmichael Chamber of Commerce
Allan Davis, Milagro Properties
Ben Tiner, Tiner Real Estate Services
Daniel Kellow, Comerica Bank
Brooks H. Erickson, Carmichael Village, LLC
For information on current leadership, visit the Board page.