2021 Annual Report
2021 was a challenging year, however, the Carmichael Improvement District, met those with patience, perseverance, while being strong, steady and calm--all at the same time.
Bringing the Renewal forward during a pandemic was thought impossible- except to those who made it happen.
We are proud to showcase the 2021 Annual Report and move into 2022, sharing our successes and challenges. The pictures tell a story of hard work and diligence.
Thank you to the Property Owners who believe in the 'Carmichael Improvement District,' with a vision of prosperity and enduring appeal for this wonderful community.
Click on the picture (LEFT) to download and/or review the report online. For more information, call 916-481-3015 or email:
The pbid was renewed and expanded
All Property Business Improvement Districts (PBIDs) in the state of California must be renewed periodically. After 5 successful years along the greater Fair Oaks Blvd. corridor, the Carmichael Improvement District (CID) as a PBID was renewed for another 10 year term in July 2021 by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors after a majority vote of assessed property owners. In that effort, the PBID was also expanded by about 20% to include more of the surrounding commercial properties after many of those owners showed interest in that initiatives.
Services for the properties in the expansion area will commence on January 1, 2022, at 00:00 hours -- though some property owners may have already paid their assessments which arrived on their property tax bill, this bill is sent ahead of services to be provided, as it always has. At that time, all properties within the below posted map (blue in the existing district and red in the expanded district areas) will have full access to security and maintenance services.
Postcards and letters to property owners and tenants will be arriving soon regarding the services to begin on January 1, 2022. Helping us out in contacting your tenants would be much appreciated, as well as a good contact for you and/or your property manager. Please send an email to and give your name, property address(es) within the district, a good contact phone number for you, and a list of your tenants with their emails and phone numbers as well.
Please review security services here and know that have changed our security vendor as of January 1, 2022, as well, but the phone number used should remain the same. We will need a Notice of Agency from you and your tenants if we do not have one on file already. To request an officer in the current district, please call 916-931-0911.
Maintenance services will include cleaning of the pubic right-of-way outside your property and 4-feet into the property, as well as selected services on-property as needed, including removal/covering of graffiti and removal of smaller trash items. Illegally dumped items larger than will fit in the bed of our truck will still need to be sent to Sacramento County 311 or removed by the property owner. To request maintenance services, please send an email to and attach a photo of the issue, both from up close and a bit further away so we can find it easily. You may call us at 916-481-3015 and report an issue, or call dispatch and ask the officer to document the issue for you.